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Meet Our Graduates

Meet some of our happy graduates who have completed our training courses at PoochWise. With our expert training methods and individualised attention, I have helped many dogs improve their behaviour and become happier pets.


Pippa was a feisty little pup despite those puppy dog eyes and would turn into a crocodile, pull on the lead in every direction and be anywhere else but paying attention. After a few weeks with Lydia, Pippa turned into a sleeping angel with crate training, listening on command and loving life on her walks.




Vinny was a very confident puppy who grew and grew and grew! Vinny was a super excitable out of control adolescent and wanted to play all the time. After completing the course Vinny went from lunging to walking past people and dogs, and being able to make pooch pals in a calmer manner. 


Bertie was a typical spoiled pooch and had started to bite at peoples heels who came into his home. After completing the adult training course Bertie became a much more tolerant Pooch. Using the techniques, change in diet and adventure plan, the world became less scary for Bertie. Love this little guy



Rodrigo was a very scared little dog, who would bark at everything and anything that moved. Walks were difficult as he was stressed and would panic. After training, he became better at dealing with stressful situations. Walks became more manageable and his family could see the change in his confidence. 


After an incident where the whole family was shaken up, Hugo became wary of other people and dogs, with excessive barking. After training, Hugo has grown substantially in confidence and enjoys his peaceful walks and rest time in his crate. Adding activity toys and structured walks to this little guys day has reduced his barking and attention seeking behaviours. Very proud of Hugo

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