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Dog trainer woods

Terms and Conditions

At PoochWise, I want to ensure that our work together is as smooth and successful as possible. To ensure this, please read the terms and conditions. These will cover important points such as payment, limitations, and my approach to training.


Terms and Conditions


Attending the one-to-one training programme means you acknowledge and have read and fully accept these terms and conditions.

You will be referred to as 'Client'

Lydia Dadson will be referred to as 'Trainer'

Your dog will be referred to as 'Dog'


Fees must be paid prior to the start of training programme

Fees can be paid by bank transfer to my account. Details of which can be sent via WhatsApp message.

Refunds will not be given once payment has been received.

Cancellation Policy

Clients need to give at least 12 hours’ notice in the case of cancellations before the next training session is scheduled to start or will be charged.

Training Techniques

Training will be positive reinforcement (verbal praise, food reward, toys and games) and passive enforcement, such as standing on long line so Dog cannot run off or standing still when dog pulls on lead. Trainer does not allow or use of verbal or physical punishment. This is a reward-based programme, client will need to provide, suitable toys and treats for their Dog.

Limitations and liabilities

Trainer will provide guidelines and advise on the best way for the Client to interact with the Dog to produce the best results in their behaviour. Please note that Trainer provides techniques for training, but these must be continued by Client for the dog to continue to improvement and choose good behaviours.

Trainer will provide professional training and cannot guarantee behaviour or results in individual dogs.

The Trainer reserves the right to discontinue training if the Dog injures people or other animals, or if the Dog is considered a threat to people or other animals. 

Trainer assumes no responsibility for personal injuries or loss of personal items whilst attending training sessions or damage to equipment Client provided Trainer for sessions.

Training will be provided on a one-on-one basis unless Trainer believes that adding a helper or dog may help their Dog’s progress. For example, my dog Teddy (Cocker Spaniel) is sometimes used when appropriate in socialising puppies and older dogs.

The Trainer reserves the right to dismiss Client from the training programme who displays inappropriate behaviour or conduct.

Client responsibilities

All pets attending sessions must be up to date on all vaccinations and follow a flea and worming treatment plan. Clients’ responsible for their pets not to be exposed to rabies or distemper within a period of 30 days prior to the start of training and the Dog has been inoculated against rabies, distemper, rhino-trachealis, trachea-bronchitis and parvovirus and such inoculations remain effective at the date of training.

Clients are responsible for their pets being clean and free from skin mites and other contagious conditions and are in good health.

Client must ensure that Dog is fit and able to participate in all activities set out for their training programme. If you have any concerns, please seek veterinary advice.


Clients’ responsibility to give correct and honest answers Trainer requires to make the best decisions on a training plan for Client. If Client withholds important information (such as known resource guarding of food) the plan implementation may not work and may even cause risk to Trainer or Client.

Client may be asked to muzzle the Dog if the Trainer deems it necessary.

If Dog is known to be human or dog aggressive this must be disclosed, and the dog must be on lead for the consultation with the discretion of Trainer to have the dog removed from the room to further discuss a training plan.


Client agrees to engage with the Trainer and their Dog to the best of their ability. Client agrees to understand that there is no quick fix to altering dog’s behaviour and understand that these changes may take several sessions before improvements occur. 

Client recognises and acknowledges that there are certain inherent risks of canine related activities such as physical injury to themselves or their pet and client assumes the full risk of any injuries damages or loss which they sustain as a result of participating in the training programme.

Clients are responsible for the clean up after their Dog in the Client’s own premises. Clients are expected to clear any faeces on their premises before the training session begins and must use pet safe disinfectant with odour remover for any urine or faeces inside the home.


Client confidentiality will be maintained to the standard of the Data Protection Act. Client details will be kept private, and they will never be used for any purpose other than caring for the Dog. 

By agreeing to these terms and conditions you give permission to publish images and videos of you and your Dog in marketing material such as on social media.

Client Age

Clients must be 18 years of age or older and anyone under 18 participating in the programme must be accompanied by an adult who is present at all times.

Female Dogs

If your Dog comes into season during or prior to the programme, the sessions can be rescheduled or continue at home where appropriate, decision of this on the discretion of the Trainer.


Training is carried out in and outside of Clients premises. Outside sessions will be held in most weather conditions. If the temperature is over 22 degrees Celsius or under 1-degree Celsius training will either be cancelled or take place in Client’s home, at the discretion of Trainer. Client will be notified by WhatsApp message if session is cancelled due to weather up to one hour before session is scheduled to take place.

If the rain and wind is incredibly bad then session will take place in client’s home or dog friendly venue (e.g. café).

Out of Hours Support

Once you have paid towards your sessions you can message Trainer on WhatsApp any time. Trainer will aim to get back to you as soon as possible. WhatsApp support ends one week after last paid training session.

Emergency protocol

If your Dog requires veterinary treatment during the session, Trainer will call the vets the Dog is registered to see if they can be seen. Then inform Client of the situation. Trainer will take the dog to the vets until the session time ends. Trainer will inform the vets to contact Client directly.


I am insured with Pet Business Insurance.

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